Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thursday Thirty

These are thirty questions that are answered with three words or less.

1. where is your cell phone? with my husband

2. your boyfriend/girlfriend? married with children

3. your hair? despritly needs cut

4. where is your father? at his house

5. your favorite thing to do? play sing dance

6. your dream last night? playing at park

7. your dream car? 2007 Suburban Blue

8. the room you're in? bedroom

9. who did you hang out with last night? husband and kids

10. your fears? not doing enough

11. what aren't you good at? my penmanship stinks

12. muffins? any except raisin

13. one of your wish list items? new oven

14. the last thing you did? grocery shopping

15. your computer? Lola big white

16. your pet? 2 chocolate labs

17. you are wearing? capris itchy shirt

18. your life? slightly unstable

19. your mood? ready to relax

20. missing? my husband

21. your car? tan suburban

22. what are you thinking about now? money bill job

23. your work? list to long

24. your summer? not long enough

25. your relationship status? always improving

26. your favorite color(s)? I love navy

27. when is the last time you cried? two weeks ago

28. when was the last time you laughed? last night

29. school? Kids going soon

30. favorite 90's group? I don't know

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