Thursday, August 30, 2007


I need more hours in the day to enjoy my family. My life right now is filled with family business but not much "enjoy the family" time. I can't seem to find time to do a post and it really bums me out because I miss sharing. When I get computer time I check my email, and if I have an extra minute I am reading all of your wonderful post.

Now that school has started I find myself wishing for fall and the events that come along with it. I love the colors and smells of fall. At our house that means I decorate the house with leaves of different colors and pumpkins. I love fall but not so much Halloween. We trick or treat but that is the big celebrating we do. I like the house to be pretty and warm not so much freaky. I also start buying candles the apple cinnamon ones from Glade. (My favorite) The baking bug always bites. I love to bake but the summer months are too hot to light the oven. So when it cools outside I want the oven lit and I want to bake breads, muffins, cookies, and dinners of all kinds. Yummm!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

School Details

I started my Chem II class last night. I was happy to find out that the crumby instructor I was supposed to have was replaced by an awesome one. I had read review about the original instructor on Rate Your Professor. The reviews were mostly poor and those who did like him said that he did not teach much chemistry, he enjoyed telling stories about his life. SO I can say that I am blessed that he was replace. The new professor is great. He tutors sometimes in the math lab and he helped me with chem I. He really knows his stuff. I love teachers who can answer your questions.

The kids teachers are all sweet. Jake says that his English teacher is kind of a stinker but time will tell.

I miss the little kiddo's already.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

I made it...

through the busiest week ever!

The kids started back to school this week. This was a huge success. Everyone was so excited to go back to school. Mequell missed the first day because of a stomach virus. Caleb's first day was good - he kept saying "no big school." He came out of the school smiling and sharing his adventures at school. Jacob is in the safety patrol and gets to rotate classes since it is his last year in elementary school. Ethan liked his teacher and was happy to find friends in his class. Mequell was thrilled that one of her favorite friends was in her class, too.

I was in charge of distributing pre-ordered schools supplies. One of my good friends passed this job off to me because she moved to Utah. It is not a hard job just time consuming.

I marked clothes for the local JBF Sale. This is a Just Between Friends sale. It is one huge consignment sale. It is fun to shop because it has everything you could possibly want and you earn money from the clothes that your kids have out grown. YAY!! If you don't have one of these locally you should start one. The gals who started ours make tons of money for just a few weeks of work. Also, on the way to drop off my consigned items my little angel threw up in the back seat. It is one of those moments that you are glad you always have a change of clothes in the car.

I took the kids shopping for back to school clothes. This was actually fun. The kids had fun picking out different items and I had fun saying yes!! We live on a pretty tight budget. We have five little ones so we have to count our nickels and dimes, and sometimes pennies. SO when I get to shop with them and let them pick out what they want it is a blast!!

Everyone in the house has had a 24 hour stomach virus. It started early Monday morning and ended with Mequell on Thursday. Luckily it was only about a 12 hour virus. I was grateful that I accomplished so much even with everyone being sick. I am blessed!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Blog Funk

I was looking through my past posts and have to say I was in a blogging funk. I have done tons of meme type posts. It was fun the first couple of times but I think I finished with that phase. Sorry.

I am however getting ready to start back to school. I am going to take Chem II and Art Appreciation. Not fancy but two more classes to check off the list.

I am also going to start selling Lia Sophia. I have a dear friend who introduced me to this jewelry line and I really like it. The parties are tons of fun. It looks like a fun way to make a little extra money and have a day out at the same time. I'll let ya know how it goes.

The kids start to school this week. I am so not ready to loose the days with them. I love to hear them play together. It is fun to have them shop with me and give opinions on the days activities.

My husband has been working tons! He has been working 6 days a week for at least 10 hours a day plus he has to drive an hour both ways. I have been missing him.

Football is getting a little easier. It is extremely hot and humid but he is doing well. Last practice he kept saying how hungry he was, so I knew he was not over heated. His skills are coming along too.

I hope all is well with you and yours.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thursday Thirty

These are thirty questions that are answered with three words or less.

1. where is your cell phone? with my husband

2. your boyfriend/girlfriend? married with children

3. your hair? despritly needs cut

4. where is your father? at his house

5. your favorite thing to do? play sing dance

6. your dream last night? playing at park

7. your dream car? 2007 Suburban Blue

8. the room you're in? bedroom

9. who did you hang out with last night? husband and kids

10. your fears? not doing enough

11. what aren't you good at? my penmanship stinks

12. muffins? any except raisin

13. one of your wish list items? new oven

14. the last thing you did? grocery shopping

15. your computer? Lola big white

16. your pet? 2 chocolate labs

17. you are wearing? capris itchy shirt

18. your life? slightly unstable

19. your mood? ready to relax

20. missing? my husband

21. your car? tan suburban

22. what are you thinking about now? money bill job

23. your work? list to long

24. your summer? not long enough

25. your relationship status? always improving

26. your favorite color(s)? I love navy

27. when is the last time you cried? two weeks ago

28. when was the last time you laughed? last night

29. school? Kids going soon

30. favorite 90's group? I don't know

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

8 Random Things

I was tagged for this fun and random thing by Rockin with the Burr's - I hope it is as fun for you as it is for me.

1. I love to sing. I used to sing alot in High school but after high school not so much. But recently I have tried to sing more, for my kids and husband (not much appreciation) but my voice is getting stronger and clearer. YAY

2. I am 5'8 and 1%& lbs. I have brown hair and brown eyes.

3. I lost my wedding ring about 8 years ago and have been wearing a fake ever since then.

4. I am the oldest of 4 children. I have 10 neices and nephews, so far.

5. My favorite color is navy. But you can't find navy crayons or balloons so I always pick yellow.(my second fav.)

6. My favorite snack is cold cereal. I can eat it any time. I would serve it at breakfast and lunch if the kids would eat it. Dinner has to have meat or my husband won't eat. He is a meat and potato kinda guy.

7. The first time I went to a restaurant that you ordered from your table. I was 16 and it was on a date. I remember ordering a burger and they asked how I wanted it, I didn't say anything because I did not realize the came in different flavors. I must have a puzzled look on my face because she started listing well, medium well, medium, medium rare or rare. I said rare but she recommended medium well. The burger was great.

8. When I took drivers ed. I was the worst driver in the class. The first time I had to drive on the course, I drove over a pylon and the car got it stuck. The worst part was that all of the class was sitting on bleachers behind the pylon, which sent them all running. When we drove on the streets the my teacher never took his foot off of the passenger side break. I can not tell you how many times my classmates in the back seat were left screaming. I think if their parents knew I was driving they would not have let them come to school that day. I was bad but I had never driven anything before.

If anyone lists 8 random things let me know.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Zoo Fun

This was a neat zoo to visit. We had a good time but it was HOT! I caught some cute pictures thought I'd share. It was definitely worth the drive to get there.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Marriage Meme

Montserrat tagged her readers to play along with the marriage meme. So without further ado, here are eight facts about our marriage:

1. Scot and I met on a blind date. I was going to school with a sweet girl named Shay and she was married. She and her husband thought that Scot and I would make a good match so it was double date with a blind date on the side. I did not like him at all. He was not a member of the church and spent the night drinking beer, a lot of beer. It was right in the middle of the cowboy fad. He showed up cowboyed out. He was also sporting a mullet. He kept calling and I enjoyed talking to him. Soon we were dating and the rest is history.

2. We have been married for 12 years.

3. I was 21 when we got married. He is 6 years older than I am.

4. We were married Jan 7th which is the day before Elvis's birthday. SO every year on our anniversary we watch Elvis movies. We used to have cable and could watch them on TV. We don't have cable any more so we have bought a couple of Elvis movies to enjoy on our anniversary.

5. Scot and I both were married previously. He has a wonderful son from that union.

6. We have five children Jacob 10, Ethan 8 almost 9, Mequell(Mekel)7, Caleb 5 and Makenna 2.

7. When we got married it was a last minute decision. I called around and found a preacher to marry us. I tried to get a Bishop but they were all out of town or had not registered to do marriage ceremonies.

8. We are total opposites. I am soft, sweet and quiet. He is rough, ornery and talkative. We do a good job compromising and working things out. Marriage is not easy. It requires work but if you are devoted to your spouse, and the Lord, the blessings come.

I tag my family bloggers. I also tag my side bar. If anyone else does it let me know. I love hearing how people met. So consider yourself tagged.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thurday Thirteen

Thirteen things that I love about my husband:

1. Patient - When I backed the car into our other car. He didn't get mad at all.

2. Understanding - He is never angry when I bounce a check here and there. I am always upset but he just cruises through it.

3. Good Dad - He will wrestle with them. He plays with them. He, especially with the boys, is able to heal their tender hearts.

4. Talker - He is the chatty one in our relationship. He can carry on a conversation any one he meets. I am quiet until I get to know you well, then I am pretty talkative.

5. Spiritual - He spends many hours in church service and enjoys it. He seeks the spirit and prays often.

6. Supportive - About six years ago my husband injured his back and ended up having fusion done in his lower back. Since then he has had lots of pain and is not getting much better. The MV helps a ton with the sciatic pain. But some of the nerve pain it just can't touch. I realized that he is not going to be able to keep working at his current level. So about two years ago I decided to go back to school. He is amazing! He watches the kids and gets them to bed. He makes dinner. I am just so grateful for all he does to support my school efforts.

7. Quick wit - He is a fast thinker and can get you laughing.

8. Charitable - He always is giving people money or lawn mowers. Usually our lawn mower. He just has a soft spot for the needy.

9. Animal person - He really, really loves animals. They love him too. The dogs are always so happy to see him come home. He loves the outdoors and hunting the big animals.

10. Adventurous - He is a regular Steve Irwin. Last summer a neighbor had warned us about a large snake that had slithered into our yard. I warned the kids not to go out but Scot was out the door. He found the snake, which had clibed the house and gotten into a tree, and killed it. I was a four foot long water mocasin.

11. Gifts - We usually spend most of our money on the kids at christmas so there is not much left. But he always finds something small that I have really been wanting.

12. Brags - I know you are supposed to be humble but it is so nice to have a husband that tells his co-workers what a good cook I am or how "hot" he thinks I am.

13. Loves me - He is the one I get to dance all my dances with. He is the one I sing to. He is the one that makes me feel safe even when he is sleeping. He is the one who comforts me. He is the one....who loves me.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007