I am a pharmacy student and I am going to work part time this fall. My place of employment asked me to turn in my schedule and availability for the fall. I printed my schedule, looked at the calendar and planned for holidays, worked in enough time for studying but I did not take into account the fact that on my weeks I have to pick the kids up from school. This totally slipped my mind. School for the kids starts this week and I am scheduled for an afternoon shift for the first day of school. I was just not thinking when I was planning this fall. My X has always been here to pick up the kids and I never had to think about it. Now I have to get my act together and get my schedule adjusted so I can be there to pick my kids up from school.
This first year of co-parenting will involve becoming aware of different needs my family has and adjusting to them. I am grateful for this year to finish school and balance out some of the kinks involved in the first year of a divorce.
Update- I had a chance to talk to the kids about how they felt things were going. I asked if they were happy, if they felt as though things were normal, and their happiness level. Everything seems to be going really well! No one felt things were very different. Everyone expressed they were comfortable and happy. So good, so far.
These are just a couple of random pics from last summer. They turned out really cute!! I am going to try harder to take more pictures.
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