Sunday, July 31, 2016

Girls Camp 2016

I spent the week with my Lovely daughter!  It was so much fun hanging out with the girls and getting to know girls from other cabins!! 

These girls made camp an awesome experience!! I can't wait to go back next year!

We learned camping skills, played games, sang, grew closer to Christ and endured a 5 mile hike.  It was a blast!!

One remarkable moment:
We attended a beautiful evening meeting, which was held in the pavilion so all the campers could attend. A spiritual thought was being shared and we were trying hard to listen but our sound system was not the best.  Just a few minute in the presentation four girls from another cabin came in and be can to talk quietly in the row behind us.  It was the most distracting thing ever. I was super annoyed and shushed them a couple of times. They continued chattering.  I even gave them the "angry" face but no luck.  The gentleman finished is comments and it was over. I was still very disappointed my girls miss out due to all the talking.  Then during testimony meeting one of my YCL's (youth camp leader) talked about this very experience.  She compared the meeting to life - the gentleman talking was things of God and Jesus, the girls talking - things of this world.  She said sometimes we have to work hard to focus on the words and things of pertaining to the Gospel and try to tune out things of the world.  This was amazing - the insight of an 18 year old girl opened my heart and mind to the Lord and allowed me to release the frustration I felt towards the noisy girls.  Because I was seriously holding a grudge, not because I had missed out, but because my girls were missing out.   

Coparenting - asking permission

This month, in the adjustment to co-parenting, I found it is a challenge for me to ask for permission.  I don't have to ask for permission for things in my life but if an activity involves the children, I do.  This week for example my brother and his family were going to the temple for the first time.  It was a super fun day! But I did not ask if I could take the younger kids with me.  I simply assumed it would be fine. However, I felt twinges of guilt for not asking him personally if I could have them for most of the day Saturday.  It was an important family event and they had every right to attend. He was kind and did not argue about it but Saturday was part of his week with the kids.  I am going to have to make a better effort at communicating my plans.  Co-parenting is tricky and has real challenges, but it is the best option for my kids.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Something new!

The new experience in my life is divorce.  It has not been an easy decision but it is the best option for me.  We are going to co-parent the kids. Co-parenting is shared custody and time with the kids.  The kids stay in the family home and, as co-parents, we alternate staying with them. I get them a week and then he gets them a week.  This has been working okay so far. It definitely is an adjustment!  I have to plan ahead for everything. I still have to consult him about plans and decisions.  It's truly the best option for the kids. It gives them a lot of consistency and the adjustment of having a single parent has been easier for the kids. The adjustment time will take a few months to get used to but I feel pretty good about it right now.