Thursday, August 28, 2008

Things, they are a changin'

A couple of weeks ago I posted about difficulties I was having with many areas of my life. I am happy to say that many have been resolved. I had to change every plan that I had made for this semester. I changed my class schedule to a lighter load. I have two children in public school and homeschooling two. I have not homeschooled before but I am excited about the possibilities. I still am volunteering with the PTA. I am still first counselor in the Primary. I still do parties for lia sophia, once a week. So things are finally calming down. It was difficult to get to this point but I am grateful for every blessing that directed my footsteps!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Inner Beauty....

is a hidden treasure. Inner beauty is often not discovered until it has been allowed to grow and refine itself. It is the combination of moral strength, optimism, gentleness, and characteristics that inspire love and friendship. While inner beauty may not be the most desired, it is truely the most beneficial to the holder.

I spend a lot of time teaching my children to paint there spirits with colors of good report or characteristics that seem important to them. For example I am going to give my children an out line of a child and a chart of different colors that express specific characteristics. Green - generosity, Yellow - peacemaker, Blue - honesty, and so on. This gives each child the opportunity to choose what his/her inner beauty will look like. It gives them a chance to think about what characterists they find more important and to work on those. I also instruct them to watch there teachers and other adults and find out what they like about them. This helps them to discover atributes that they may like to have as an adult.

I know my views are simple but thanks for reading anyway.

Monday, August 18, 2008

We made it! Sort of...

Well, I would love to announce that school has started and that everything is going nicely. Unfortunately, I can't. I have overloaded myself with commitments. The kids started school last week. I start, tomorrow. I screwed up the pre ordered school supplies. I have one little guy who is struggling with school already. I sent out invitations to a jewelry party for Friday but forgot to put my hostesses address and phone # on them. My calling at church is going....well it's going. I am just twisted in several directions and can't seem to control it all. I am praying for direction. I will let you know what unfolds.

Hope you are doing GREAT!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Ahh shucks!!

I just cannot get over how quickly the summer has gone!! I have already had to start thinking about school clothes and schedules. I am just not ready to dive into the hectic life of the school year. I actually dread it coming. I miss my little ones when they are gone. I just can't help but say "Ahh shucks!!"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What we saw....

while walking on a local bike trail.

Dragon Fly


Raccoon print in the mud.


Neat picture of my beautiful children.

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I think this flower is a Brown Eyed Susan.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Summer has arrived!

It is finally here, hot, steamy, hair frizzing, weather. I really love the summer season until about the end of August when it hits the century mark everyday. We ate our first watermelon last week, Yum!!! We have been to the pool several times and I am a lovely golden color, Yeah. My brother and sis-n-law bought a boat last month and so we will be cruisin' to the lake a few times this summer, too. The kids start swim lessons in a couple of weeks. It just feels like summer is headed in the right direction!!

I have recently been reading the conference talks from the Ensign and they are just so wonderful. I did not get to listen to all of conference so reading it gives me a chance to bond it to memory.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Bee Movie!

We recently purchased the Bee Movie. It was one of those purchases, when you need your kids to sit still for an hour. I don't like for media to babysit my kiddo's but sometimes it is better for both parties to have a movie to watch. We have watched it a couple dozen times since I purchased it. It is a cute show. Now every time I see a bee buzzing around I have a twinge of guilt for swatting at it.

Friday, March 28, 2008

So what do you think?

I am attempting a make over on my blog. Cocoa, from Chocolate on my sidebar, is doing a really great job helping all of us who are html illiterate. She is doing a step by step on how-to-make-over-your-blog. I am starting with flowers but I may change them later. I love going to your blogs and seeing all the beautiful patterns and displays, good job everyone!

I hope you all are doing GREAT!

I will blog ya later. :-D

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Things for Spring!

Thirteen things I love about spring:
1. Warmer temperatures
2. Longer days
3. The green - trees, grass
4. Easter
5. Spring storms - I just love the rain
6. Pulling out the shorts and Capri's
7. Working in the garden
8. Riding bikes
9. Just being outside in the sun, yeah!!
10. Visiting with the neighbors. During the winter we all hibernate inside.
11. Flowers - I love spring flowers and bushes.
12. School is almost out!!
13. Sandles - I go without shoes most of the time. Wearing sandles are the next best thing to bare feet.

Only a few more weeks till spring. Hang in there!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Random girly shots.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

100th Post part 2

31. When I was a little girl I took gymnastics and loved it. I continued until I broke my arm.
32. In my teen years I took jazz, tap and ballet. Late teens my sister and I took ballroom dancing lessons.
33. The first time I kissed a boy I was 13.
34. The first time I flew in a plane was to Florida and I was 22 years old.
35. Growing up we never had much money and so we never went on vacation. Now with five kids it is still hard to find the money for a vacation. So sad to say I have never actually been on an official vacation.
36. My sister is 13 months younger than me and so we were close growing up, actually she was and is one of my very best friends.
37. My brothers are both geniuses. Lucky for me they married two of the best sister-in-laws ever!!
38. I am not very tidy. I tend to pile things up here and there. I let the dishes set over night sometimes. I don't was the sheets as often as I should. The hard to reach places of my house need a dusting badly. This is an area I am always trying to improve on.
39. I was 17 when I got my drivers license. I failed the test twice. I only passed by one point the last time I took it.
40. I have lots and lots of cousins. I love it! It makes it fun on the holidays. We all get together and laugh and catch up.
41. As a child I was always sick. I think that I had childhood asthma. I was never diagnosed with it but the first 12 years of my life I suffered with chronic Pneumonia. I had Pneumonia 5 times a year until I was about 12- 13. Then it slowly got better. The miracle came when I finally got an inhalor. I wish I'd had one sooner.
42. I collect tins. I have a couple of them that are antiques. Most of them are just pretty.
43. I need sleep. I have to have 8 hours of sleep at night or I am tired all day.
44. I found my first gray hair when I was 31. Since then I have found several more but I pluck them out.
45. I got married when I was 19 to a nice guy but I was just not ready.
46. I am allergic to evergreen trees or bushes. They give me hives.
47. I got the lead in the school musical in high school but I chickened out and ended up quiting the play. My teacher would not give me another part.
48. I am currently 2nd counselor in the primary.
49. I volunteer at the elementary school. I am in charge of pizza days and pre-ordered school supplies.
50. I currently taking Organic Chemistry and Humanities.
51. I drive a tan suburban.
52. My favorite appliance in the kitchen is my kitchen aide mixer. It is just pretty.
53. My favorite candy are M&M's.
54. My favorite drink is Caffine Free Dr. Pepper.
55. My favorite fast food is Taco Bueno's Nacho Salad.
56. My favorite steak place is Texas Roadhouse.
57. My favorite ice cream is Pecan Pralines and Cream. But I love lots of other flavors, too.
58. I love to grill. We just got a new charcoal grill. The other one we had only held 8 burgers. We needed one that would hold 12 and some hot dogs.
59. I am not a big seafood fan. I do like shrimp, crawfish and scalops but that is about it.
60. My favorite salad is Grilled Chicken Ceasar. Lots of food, I guess I'm hungry.

Friday, February 15, 2008

100th Post part 1

This has been hanging me up. I just need to do it so I can move forward.

1. I am 5'8 and medium build.
2. I am a mom of 5 kids ages 10,9,7,5,3.
3. I met my husband on a blind date.
4. I like most women love chocolate.
5. I am the oldest of 4 children.
6. I have one sister and 2 brothers.
7. I rode a horse once. Can't say I liked it to much.
8. I am currently reading Jane Eyre.
9. I love Scooby Doo cartoons, the old ones.
10. I broke my arm when I was about 9 years old.
11. I have never had a speeding ticket.
12. I have never had a tooth filled. (I do need one now.)
13. I have 2 chocolate labs, Bo and Shelby.
14. I have been to Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana, Florida, Colorado, and Utah.
15. My husband and I got married in a tiny chapel in town. I was totally bummed. I wanted something nicer. Still a little bitter about that one.
16. My favorite color is Navy but I really love yellow, too.
17. I love decorating cakes.
18. I am totally not crafty. I am not good at picking out colors or themes. I just was not blessed with a good eye.
19. I really love to bake. My oven just really stinks right now. We need a new one.
20. I love romantic movies. A couple of favorites are "While you were sleeping", "A walk in the clouds", "Bed of roses" and lots more.
21. I also really love 50's movies - Beach Blanket Bingo, Elvis, Doris Day and Rock Hudson.
22. I am also a step mom. A job that has many more joy's than I could have ever dreamed.
23. I was a lousy high school student. But I am good college student.
24. I have always been good at science and math.
25. I have always struggled with reading. I love to read, I'm just really slow.
26. I have one son with an autism spectrum disorder. Learning about his disorder has taught me about myself and why I as a child reacted to things the way I did.
27. I would love to visit Europe. It would be amazing to walk in areas of the world with so much history.
28. I am girly. I love getting dressed up and feeling pretty.
29. I really enjoy blogging.
30. I am not quickly angered. I am really mellow and laid back. I try to be forgiving in most instances.

Sorry I could not come up with 100 all at once so I will post this now and more later.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


I have in previous years been a pretty good cook but lately, not so much. I am the bread maker for our families at the holidays or family gatherings. Unfortunately, the last several times I have made bread, it has turned out mealy. The rolls won't rise enough and the bread is very crumbly. I have made bread for years and have always had amazing results. I am usually the queen of dinner rolls. I think that my chemistry is changing and affecting the bread. When my mom-in-law touches bread dough it kills the yeast. She has something in her chemistry that kills the yeast. I hope that is not my problem. I love baking and hope my gift will be rekindled. I made chili for our wards Chili Cook Off. My chili looked great at home but by the time we made it to church, yuck. I think years of cooking skills have been lost in just a few months.

Lately, we have endured the same dismal menu week after week. I find myself making the same old faithfuls. I can say that my family is quite tired of the old faithfuls. My lovely children are a mix of "won't eat anything that looks different" to "I eat everything." So trying a new recipe leaves some of my little ones hungry. If you have any ideas on how to introduce new foods without leaving the little ones starved, please, share.

Monday, January 21, 2008

How's it going?

Well, I have started classes again. This time I am taking Organic Chemistry and Humanities. I have been pairing difficult classes with easy classes. It helps me keep my grades up and I get all the hours I need. I also did some calculations and I can apply to graduate school next year! Yeah!!!

I quit my temporary job the week before school started. I enjoyed my time there but I am grateful for the time off. I have started the Lia Sophia Shows which are tons of fun. I am so hopeful for this to be positive business for our family. I had my starter show last Friday. I wish you all could have been there. We played games and tried on jewelry. It is a very girly to try on jewelry and giggle about cute you look.

I was trying to remember the last time I had a girls night out and I could not think of one. Sad, huh. I am busy but so are most of my friends. But just being with other gals, chatting and laughing, I miss it. I remember reading how much we, as women, need friendships. It is like therapy for us. I guess blogging is therapy, too. You are all my friends and I really enjoy sharing and laughing with you all.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Bloggie Award!

Holly at 2kidsandtired has given me this award. I can't believe that she thought of me. I have been a terrible blogger lately. I have been so busy with "life" that my computer time has been cut down to almost none. If I get a minute I usually search through my friends on the side bar. I love blogging and the women I meet here are AMAZING. I hope that some day I might meet all of them. It seems odd to receive an award for inspiring someone because your blogs inspire me so much.

Now I pass on my award to some inspiring bloggie friends. This is really a hard one to do because you all give me so much. But I have to pick Wild Murdocks because she always has the best family pictures. She inspires me to catch a few more shots of my own little ones. I would also like to pass it to Thorny Tree Lady and Chocolate both of these ladies go above and beyond the call of duty in raising their families. I am always inspired to do better as a mother and a wife. If it was allowed I would award everyone on my side bar for inspiring me with their Ordinary Miracles.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The New Year

A couple of resolutions or goals for the new year:

1. Do better in my studies (school and scripture)

2. Do more service. I try to help out when I can but I am sure I can do more.

3. Be a better friend. I have a couple of great friends but this last year notice that I had not kept in touch as good as I should have.

4. I want to say exercise but I don't think it is going to happen.

5. I am starting a new business selling Lia Sophia. I want to have party a week.

I guess that is about it. I know it is not very impressive. I hope that these are attainable and leads me to personal growth.